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The Chiropractic Approach

Updated: Dec 15, 2021

Pain! It really sucks to be in pain all the time. On the positive side, pain reminds you that you are alive. How to get rid of it or reduce it? For me, taking pain medication cannot be the only answer for every time you feel pain. Exercise is good, your body is a machine that requires maintenance and fine-tuning. But that also is a component, not the only solution, and for some people, is not even an option. Opioids and such medications have done short and long-term harm to so many people, there must be a better answer. I have also avoided surgery, even though it has been recommended; I'm not a fan. So you guessed correctly, we'll be talking about the other solution the Chiropractic Approach.

For many years there was a hidden trauma inside my body, more specifically, something was not right with my skeleton, somewhere unknown to me. While you are younger your body recovers overnight, one good night's sleep took care of rebuilding your injured back or ankle. You could easily go back to playing your favorite sport or go about your regular activities without a second thought, even if it meant enduring some pain. You could take it!

As the years go by, your body starts to talk to you, which is honestly more like yelling at you. It lets you know that it cannot take it anymore. You have not been taking the best care of it and now it has responded to accumulated trauma with a bang, it does not heal the way it use to. A quick unannounced snappy twist of your waist will stop you from continuing your daily routine, it stops you cold, sometimes for a week or longer. Does it sound familiar?

I first started going to the Chiropractor when I was around forty-something, a friend of mine had some good experiences with it and he recommended that I try it. My lower back had been acting up on me for many years by now, and none of the traditional methods seem to be "treating" the injury, they rather hid the pain with pain killers for a very short time. A sudden move at the wrong angle would send me back into misery, back to more pills.

The transition to the "new approach" (new for me, Chiropractic has been around since 1895) was not without questions; Is it safe? Can anyone be treated by a Chiropractor? Are they trained on this and how well? Of course, I did my own research (and you should too) and decided it was worth trying it. I especially liked the fact that in principle, the idea is that after realigning my bone structure to its optimal condition, my body would take care of itself. None or minimal medications (usually a menthol-based lotion) was the idea, letting your body do its thing is the main idea, but first, the Chiropractor had to intervene; realign my skeleton (the fine-tuning) and simultaneously make the lifestyle changes that were necessary to fully recover.

I have been on-and-off of getting treated by different Chiropractors for more than twenty years. Treatment has been necessary through the years because of skeletal injuries to my body during my carrier in the US Army (VA sponsors Chiropractic treatment). After each treatment, my pains do not return for many months, sometimes many years at a time. When they do return it's because I reinjured accidentally or over-challenged my own strength. That's what happens when you feel so good that you forget about the pain.

I'm currently under treatment at the McKenney Chiropractic Center located in Bellview, Florida (all the staff is outstanding). First, Dr. McKenney himself did a complete evaluation before any recommendations were offered and it was very clearly explained how and why it would be the best approach for me. They have me under a combination of treatments that best fit my condition. The treatment includes massage, manipulation, and therapy. Dr. Ryan Stewart is in charge of the treatment program and so far it has worked wonders on my body. On my part, I have also combined it with intermittent fasting, daily walks, and biking for exercise. This is my Chiropractic Approach. I truly believe that you do not have to wait until your injuries reoccur to seek Chiropractic treatment, maintenance is also a good approach.

If you want to share your own experience with a Chiropractor or have questions about it, use the comments section.

Let's close by saying that I'm not a health professional nor claim to be an expert, even though I have tried to eat healthy most of my adult life (read Eating Right). I hope that you enjoy this information. Leave any comments below and make sure that you Subscribe.

Luis M. Serrano

Retired but always active!

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